Credit Risk Management

A data-driven credit management software for real-time credit risk decisions

Take more control than ever before over each customer’s risk profile and leverage smarter credit risk reporting with a holistic view of all credit portfolios across the organization.

With the Sidetrade Credit Risk Management module, risk analysts have the most up-to-date business credit changes per account to effectively monitor risk, establish alerts on warning signs, and set dedicated actions for customer-facing teams.


Get a smarter view over potential risk

Integrated within Sidetrade’s Augmented Cash platform, the Credit Risk Management module allows users to run business credit checks, tailor customer credit limits and insurance guarantees, mitigate against potential disputes, and drive targeted collections activity.

The Credit Risk Management module consolidates all customer data including payer profile, financial information from external sources (such as CreditSafe, Ellisphere, etc.), and credit insurer guarantees (Atradius, Coface, Euler Hermes, etc.); so that finance and customer-facing teams have a comprehensive overview allowing them to make just-in-time credit decisions based on data and assess potential financial risk.

Sharing customer credit limits using the Sidetrade Credit Risk Management module fosters collaboration in preparing data-driven sales negotiations, collection priorities and dispute resolution processes.

Cash Application:Collections & Dispute Management:Customer portal & Payments:e-Invoicing & Compliance:Credit Risk Management &Customer Onboarding:Sales Order Processing:

Be proactive with Credit Risk Management software

Gain a smarter overview and proactively manage credit limits, exposures and better understand customer hierarchies

Set appropriate business credit limits by account

Adapt credit management strategies based on tailored risk assessments

Improve sales negotiations by quickly communicating credit limits

Process credit risk management, disputes and collection within one single platform

Address credit approvals directly with real-time risk analysis

Streamline visibility on credit score